CAMP_iN is the annual reunion for the performing arts community, offering a generous space fot the meeting between choreographers, cultural agents, students, teachers, managers and professionals of the performing arts, to share, analyze and dialogue about the diverse and converging context in which we live in.
CAMP_iN is integrated by the people who participate in the four offered platforms; Creative Platform, Pedagogical Platform, Professionalization Platform, Analytical and Critical Platform.
Our goal is to strengthen the performing arts community, to develop the Mexican and international cultural market, to generate collective knowledge through exchange of thoughts, and most of all, to continue collaborating with the inclusion of the spectators gaze.
MISION: To enable platforms for the communication and connection of professional artists, researchers, cultural managers, students, teachers, and professionals of other disciplines involved in performing arts, to strengthen the current performing arts community.
VISION: To be the connective network for gathering the performing arts community specialized in body work, from Mexico, Latin America and the rest of the world.
PHILOSOPHY : Exchange, share, think, question, acknowledge.